Thursday, August 19, 2010

Manhattan Mosque

Okay, I'm going to say this about the proposed mosque in NYC. Please follow my logic: 1) There has already been a mosque near Ground Zero for some time. 2) The new center is being proposed by moderate Muslims. 3) There are 1.5 billion Muslims in the world. 4) Most Muslims are moderate. 5) 9/11 was not committed by moderate Muslims. 6) Moderate (i.e., most) Muslims are the declared enemies of Muslim extremists, who consider them deluded puppets of Satan. 7) There were in fact Muslims killed in the World Trade Tower collapse on 9/11. 8) Most Muslims who live in our country are here because they respect the rule of law and its history of cultural pluralism. 9) There is a great need to have a public presence of moderate Muslims in our cities. 10) The proposed mosque will be adjacent to the largest, most conscpicuous shrine to the victims of Islamist terrorism in the world. 11) Truly radical Islamists would never think of building a sacred structure close to such a memorial. 12) If anything, they would want to blow IT up, along with the WTC memorial. 13) America is NOT a "Christian nation" and never has been. 14) The whole idea in 1789 was to prohibit government from favoring or hindering any particular religion (is this not known by everyone?). This did not exclude non-Christian religions (which existed here at the time). 15) Islam is a religion; Islamist terrorism is not. 16)  People of the Christian Right are hypocrites of the worst variety when they oppose this mosque, since they have for the last 30 years so vociferously protested what they claim to be societal discrimination against Christians. Which leads to this conclusion: 17) The Christian Right is only for freedom of religion when it comes to its own.

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