Saturday, December 19, 2009

Health Care on the Titanic

The current legislation is toothless. But the country is a very big ship (hopefully, we are not the Titanic), and it takes a loooong time to turn around, not to speak of actually getting anywhere. Health Care reform will be a decades-long process, just like civil rights in matters of race. No reason to give up, but, to quote Karen Carpenter, "we've only just begun." Wish it weren't so, but it's just reality. It will be that way with gay rights too. Unfortunately, we're being sunk financially precisely BECAUSE of the "free-market" health care system, not because of "socialist" reforms, as the Republicans are saying as a mantra. Let's just pray that we get to true reform before we become annexed officially by the People's Republic of China. That would surely be our bow-breaking iceberg. Check out Gail Collins' recent column about those previously obscure senators who are suddenly pulling all the levers of debate on these huge issues:

1 comment:

  1. Staying with your Titanic and 'turning the ship around' analogy, if we attempt to turn the ship around TOO fast, the ship could lean too far to one side and some passengers could fall off and drown. And in one worst case scenario the ship overturns and capsizes, and everyone drowns.

    I have a few customers that are planning for the total collapse of America's health care system by the end of the decade, and preparing for it by studying and promoting medical tourism.
