Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Bah Humbug to "Years in Review"

Okay, we've entered the annual time of the apocalypse for the media, the second coming of the editors, since they want to create bulk while they're taking holidays and present themselves as sages and soothsayers: a whole week (or two) of recapping stories we've all been flooded with already during the year & hoped we could forget. "Best and Worst of 2009," "Year in Review," and (since it is going on 2010), "A Look at the Decade." 

Well, I've got my own take. I don't need all this omniscience and presumption from the inflated egos of establishment journalists. Bah Humbug!!!! Just get on with the next story, please.

(or I'll pick up the remote and skip to the next chapter on the DVD...)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The nobel Obama

I think Obama will prove to be very much like Lincoln, caught in the middle of an ideological (and later, physical) war. Of course, Lincoln's ultimate worth was proved by a catastrophic event, so glibness is not something in which we ought to feel comfortable indulging.. But here is an excellent piece by George Packer (brought to my attention by my friend Margaret Arndt), on the significance of the Nobel Peace Prize given to Pres. Obama:

Health Care on the Titanic

The current legislation is toothless. But the country is a very big ship (hopefully, we are not the Titanic), and it takes a loooong time to turn around, not to speak of actually getting anywhere. Health Care reform will be a decades-long process, just like civil rights in matters of race. No reason to give up, but, to quote Karen Carpenter, "we've only just begun." Wish it weren't so, but it's just reality. It will be that way with gay rights too. Unfortunately, we're being sunk financially precisely BECAUSE of the "free-market" health care system, not because of "socialist" reforms, as the Republicans are saying as a mantra. Let's just pray that we get to true reform before we become annexed officially by the People's Republic of China. That would surely be our bow-breaking iceberg. Check out Gail Collins' recent column about those previously obscure senators who are suddenly pulling all the levers of debate on these huge issues:

Into the future

Here, I am the muse. And I muse! Living by my wits, I (hopefully) am witty. Every muse of course has his own muse, or muses. So who are my muses? Those who (hopefully) are witty... and wise! Therefore, forward we go: follow me.... THIS IS MY BLOG.