Saturday, January 23, 2010

Pat's Jealous God

According to the Rev Pat Robertson's theology, God imposes great affliction on those who do not obey him, that they might turn to him. He is, after all, a loving God, and wants the best for us. This is in the Old Testament: you know,  Jews being cast into the wilderness for 40 yrs and then sold into slavery because they chickened out when God told them to conquer the "promised land" by military force (sound familiar?). Pat likes the Old Testament. So, if all the poor Haitians will just put away their voodoo dolls, accept Jesus as their personal Savior, and start tithing to the 700 Club, all the buildings will be miraculously restored, the dead will rise from the mass graves, and they'll never have to worry about those bad little earthquakes again.

From a theological perspective, there is a legitimate argument that God "allows" or at least "uses" natural disasters or in general human suffering that would arouse people from a state of spiritual slumber and to bring about a state of inward soul-searching that would cause them to "turn their hearts" toward God and spiritual things. Probably even the most die-hard atheists utter a little prayer if they think they may be about to die. So there's something naturally appealing about this argument, if there is assumed to be a "personal" or "intervening" deity. (As I stated earlier, the "Old" Testament is full of such.) And if one wants to accept a condition of suffering as punishment or divine incentivizing for one's OWN sins or inadequacies, who is going to take offense? It may even be true. But when one seeks to blame someone else's misfortune on THEIR own perceived sins, one assumes the place of a fool. There's a biblical condemnation for that sort of thing, you know: it's called presumption & self-righteousness. Obviously Pat likes sitting there on that high perch & picking on poor Haitians, like the buffed bully on the beach who kicks sand in the face of the scrawny boy. Somehow it makes him feel good. But he is seen -- rightly -- by most people as the fool that he is.